Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is Fun, right?

With summer flying by we wanted to stop and enjoy the moment. So I packed up lunch and went to the Biltmore for a picnic. The scenery is gorgeous and the weather was overcast making for a cooler temperature.
We didn't realize that we would be immediately surrounded by 18 geese eyeing us down with disappointment that we trespassed on their stomping ground and didn't even give them some of our lunch! Plus, I forgot to bring a blanket...toddler + no blanket = PB&J covered in dirt. Let's just say we decided to eat our watermelon in the car on the ride home. I thought to myself, this is why people typically eat indoors at home! But hey, at least we have the pictures.
Everyday Chad and I are impressed with the things Summer is doing. She seems to be comprehending everything and she really shows signs of an organized person. She loves to stack things. You can typically always find her with both hands holding something...typical girl - a brush and baby doll. The ultimate is to go outside with the dogs first thing in the morning. She can now have her sippy cup and a plate on her high chair without throwing it off like a maniac!


Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Thanks for your encouragement! YOU look great by the way!!! And I love that green outdoor rug:)

Grammy said...

well Summer is growing so fast the next blog may have her 5K picture on it!!! We have got to get up there and see all of you. Jana you are so thin. If you turn sideways we may not be able to find you. love you all

MIMI said...

Summer can't help but be ORGANIZED and a PLANNER (she is a quick study). I could just "eat her up" everytime I look at her. She brings Summer "sunshine" into everyday. Have I told you lately how PROUD I am of YOU?! You provide such a wonderful environment at home for Summer and Chad. You motivate and encourage everyone around you--(and I need it). Thank you for being my friend and daughter. I'm about to cry so I better go!! I love and admire you.