Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bele Chere

This weekend was a free music festival in downtown Asheville called Bele Chere. We went on Friday night and had a delicious gyro from a street vendor. I love eating concession stand style. There was plenty of grassy space to sit and relax while we let Summer run around.
Summer was walking up to everyone...wanting to share her crackers...or in this case, wanting a bite of this girl's ice cream. She almost stole this other teenager's cell phone! Daddy was close by to ensure our little ladybug didn't get far.

Currently Summer's hair is at a crossroads. It seems to want to go straight down...and into a point at that! As I was taking these photos I actually asked Chad to go push it over to the side but I guess it fell back. Only time will tell which way it will fall.

I am still job searching. I have a few hopefuls that I am striving to get an interview with so please pray that the right opportunity will present itself.


Grammy said...

Don't worry Summer Papa has the same problem with his hair sometimes!Oh my, she looks so grown up in her short outfit. I am continuing to pray for God to lead you in your job search.
love you all

MIMI said...

Miss Ladybug looks precious with any hairdo. She just likes having fun with MaMa and DaDa. I am praying also about your job search and Know that the answer is on the way.

Gramma said...

Hey Jana,

God knows what job is on its way to you and I can't wait to see what it's going to be! You have so many skills, hmmmmm,wonder what it'll be? Don't you just love love love that little ladybug? just precious!