Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vacation Part 3 - South Carolina

Are you ready for Picture Overload...here goes our Vacation in South Carolina.
As you know we were headed to Charleston, SC to celebrate the wedding of our great friends Leslie and Jeff Coleman!
Chad and I drove from Hayesville, NC to Charleston, SC on Thursday and the drive couldn't have been more beautiful through the North GA mountains. We arrived and I went to get a pedicure with a gift certificate Chad's uncle had so graciously given me for my birthday.
We had a grill out at Leslie's parents beach house on Isle of Palms. The house was amazing and large. Here I am blowing out faux candles on my cake.

I LOVE my girlfriends! (Melissa, Leslie, Nicole)

The couple of the weekend, Leslie and Jeff! I truly can't get over how cute I think Leslie looks these days. She is a spitting image of herself at age 13 (in a good way).

We went back to the beach house for the Bridesmaid Munchies, Mimosas and Manicures!

After we ate our delicious chicken salad we laid out by the pool and continued the manicures in the sun. It was a very relaxing day to spend with the bride.

Rehearsal Dinner was lovely and touching as always. The girls of table #7.

Since the wedding was in the evening we had the day to enjoy Charleston. Chad and I walked the bridge (very popular thing) but only made it half way to the first photo opp spot. Even still that was a 2 mile walk and I thought that might be enough.

Kim, Emily and I went to the beach during the day and had a great time but I didn't get any pictures...and I know yall were dying to see this beached whale in a bathing suit!
The Bride and me.
Nicole and I as we got off the trolley (that took us to and from the church) at the reception site.
The "6 Pack" minus our great friend Ashlei who we missed. PS-the bridge behind is the one we walked earlier that day.
Kim, Me, Leslie, Erin, Melissa
But wait, its not over yet. We drove back to Atlanta to meet up with Chad's parents to return the car and fly out the next morning and who was in the hotel room next door...Mom and Larry!
We were totally surprised and enjoyed a great dinner with them before heading back home. The flight was easy and besides some puffy feet and calves we survived.


Jay said...

Congrats to Leslie on a beautiful wedding. I am glad that yall had a great time. I am also proud of you for making that long walk on the bridge. I bet that was a hike uphill. What a fun roadtrip. Thanks for keeping us updated. Love yall.

MOM said...

I am very thankful that EVERYTHING went well and that you are SAFELY back at home (near your doctor). Now all we have to accomplish is WAITING FOR SUMMER!! It was sooo good to see the Martins and you and Chad.
Love you all,

Ashlei said...

You all look great. I'm so sad I missed it. Leslie was beautiful.