Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Chad's 2008/09 snowboarding season has come to an end. This weekend was his last trip to the mountain as we will be traveling for the next few weekends.
Here are some moments to remember...
Early mornings - gathering gear and coffee before heading out.
Alpine Meadows - F-Tree. Chad and Matt hike 15 minutes to hit this secret area.
Pretty magnificent views of Lake Tahoe from the top of the mountain.

Meanwhile, down in the warmer climate I am relaxing in the sun giving myself a pedicure. Up until now I have been chatty about how I haven't experienced any swelling in my feet or hands. Well, I think the feet are starting the thicken up.

To save me the embarassment and you the disgust I did not take any pictures of what I actually looked like catching a suntan in my bathing suit. However, this picture of Maya pretty much sums up how relaxed I was feeling.

And with a beautiful sunny day in Nevada came one little handpainted cloud.
We enjoyed Easter dinner with our friends Lisa & Phillip. Lisa made an amazing dinner of roast turkey, gravy, asparagus, roasted potatoes (so good I am copying the recipe tonight), dressing, rolls, cake, ice cream and strawberries! We talked about how delicious it was the whole drive home!
After dinner we decided to play poker which I had never played before...turns out I am a born WINNER:) Here is a picture of me with tons of money in chips! Maybe this could be my new part time and Summer strolling through the casinos for some extra cash! Just Kidding, no need to comment I will not be doing that.


Doug said...

Chad, Where's that helmet you told me you were wearing?! Love, Dad

MOM said...

You're looking great, that's how it is when you're "20 something"!!
Can't wait to hear about your baby class at the delivery room tonight.
I know that you and Chad are getting excited about your upcoming trip to the Carolinas.