Sunday, December 28, 2008


Since Chad and I were traveling to North Carolina for Christmas this year we decided that we would celebrate at home with the dogs before we left. This year my car got the majority of the gift with new brakes and some electrical work (exciting:). Chad received peace of mind that his wife and baby to be are traveling safe. In addition we got each other a few other small things. A tradition we have is to always act Over The Top excited when we open each and every gift.

Chad opening his first present!

Both dogs are VERY curious about what is in the bag!

Did I mention that Sampson was a BIG dog!

A special Onesie for Chad.

How thoughtful...Santa brought Jana one too!


And Santa brought Milkbones for the dogs (even Maya).

We also got together with our friends in Reno and had a Christmas Dinner potluck style. This was very special as none of us have family in town and so we celebrated our friends as family! Unfortunately, my camera battery died and I didn't have my charger. However I shot the most important pictures, Ethan and Nico!

After eating we played Pictionary Man . Chad and I don't play games often so forgive us for being behind the times but that game seems pieces to carry around and full of fun. The guys did win technically but the girls played better. Thanks yall for being our Reno family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

someone should give those kids a bath. who is their mother?