Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Forbidden Fruit

I have fallen in love with the forbidden fruit!

I had always passed over the Cutie Tangerines at the grocery store opting instead for the full size oranges. My reasoning was if I was going to peel it I wanted there to be more substance. However, this past weekend I discovered the Cuties at my friend Rachel's house and before I knew it I had peeled and eaten 3 without coming up for air. My will power was absent that day. I soon found out that 3 Cuties mixed with 2 glasses of OJ equaled a roller coaster for my tummy.

Next day, I am grocery shopping and I decide that I must have some. They are sold in a box of about 20. I give Chad a taste of the forbidden fruit and he was immediately in love. I try eating 3 again thinking maybe it was the OJ that sent me over the edge but I was wrong...roller coaster tummy. Nonetheless, I am addicted to the sweet taste of these little fruit and I will keep eating until I find my maximum.

Sure, you might be about you just eat one, Jana. But trust me, you can't eat just one. I have put a 2 limit per sitting maximum on myself and I have asked Chad to help reinforce. I highly recommend that you purchase some and taste for yourself.

By the way, my baby is larger than a Cutie now. I am not sure what fruit it compares to but last week it was a peach. We added a Poll on the sidebar of the blog where you can vote whether you think it is a boy or girl. We are expecting to find out in our February 2nd visit. Here are some hints: I was craving sweets early on; My skin is breaking out; The heartbeat is on the high side of the range. Now, I actually don't believe any of the wives tale predictions but maybe you do.


Anonymous said...

Another funny blog!! Did you say "cuties" is their real name? I'm sure that fruit can be nothing but good for you and the baby. It was so exciting to read "my baby". I did vote. I would really like to vote for 1 of each. I'll be thrilled with whatever it is, because that is what it already is!Is it still snowing? It's suppose to be 70ish here this week. CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

Jana, I hate to break it to you, but you ate well more than three. I'm so glad you liked them. And I'm also so glad that you went to your friend Rachel's house. (Not your friend Jim's house.) I'm in the club now!