Friday, September 21, 2012

Wonder-MOM to the Rescue!

3 months of training plus lots of encouragement, self confidence and perseverance brought me to the finish line last Saturday at the Asheville Citizen-Times Half Marathon! We started downtown and ran through some really nice and old neighborhoods, golf courses, university then finished back downtown.  It was great to see my family at the finish line even if I did feel light headed. 
 Folks, ha ha ha, I can't tell you how many inclines were part of this course. It was killer!  I don't walk a half...I commit to running the entire race, however there were people passing me on the steep hills walking (yes, while I was still running). I said from the beginning this was about getting back in shape after having Zane and that I wasn't going to worry about my time. Well, I finished 40 minutes longer than my previous half marathon which given the course I still am content with. Next race is in the works!
Remember this sweet picture from Summer's first day of preschool a few weeks ago...
Well, yesterday, Summer gave herself a haircut!  A full-on mullet. If you think this picture doesn't look bad, it is because I had just wet it and tried parting her hair on the other side was worse than the other.  Plus, in this picture her "new bangs" are to the side-oh nelly, you don't want to see them hanging down!  She said she didn't know cutting her hair was she knows.  Mama wanted to cry but held it back so that I wouldn't give her a complex but oh it was heartbreaking.  Only hair, I know, but still heartbreaking.  With my heart pounding I went into recovery are we gonna make this cute again.  
It took me a few hours of looking at her to realize that there wasn't any way to keep the hair the way it was.  The front was just way too short compared to the back so I cut her a cute little BOB.  And, wouldn't you know it...she is back to adorable again!  A little too mature for her age, but stylish.  That's what Moms are the day!


gabyovallarta said...

You did a great job! both with the half marathon and the hair cut! You rock! :)
Big kisses to the kids and hope to see you all soon in PV!

Mimi said...

I LOVE YOU, Jana Marie (SuperMOM) Martin!!! I admire your Spunk and the way it "moves" you through the hills and valleys of life. I thank God for you every day!
Summer is and ALWAYS will be adorable--Zane, too!