Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Still Storming

Well folks, the Summer storm has been hovering over us and just doesn't seem to be letting up.  We have been doing ALOT of breathing treatments! 
And even more breathing treatments.
 We have had happy moments...when we get to get out of the house and go to the doctor...AGAIN!
Zane has started quite a few new things in the past 3 weeks.  He has had his first rice puffs.  He loved them, of course, but I still can't seem to find the Baby Mum Mum brand and the ones I have are circles which I have to watch like a hawk to make sure he doesn't choke.
When Zane is on the floor, he likes to exercise.  He does crunches and can hold them for a really long time.  He has actually gotten strong enough to ROLL OVER.  He can now go both directions, back to tummy and back again!  He also likes to scoot around.  When he woke up this morning he was facing the opposite direction.  Go buddy!
Zane cheered on the Crimson Tide for his very first game!
Then, against my hopes and prayers, Zane started to show signs of sickness.  I had been watching a random cough for a few days and sure enough it got consistent and I heard wheezing.  Oh Nelly! That's right, we were back at the doctor's office doing breathing treatments on BOTH children.  Actually we had fun...it was a race to see who could finish first.  I asked Summer who she thought would win...and her sweet sibling response said "I hope we both win!"

Here's where they stand:
Summer: Walking Pneumonia is healing. Dr said lungs sound good, no crackling. One more day of antibiotics. Asthma, however is not under control and doctor referred us to an allergist who specializes in asthma.  We hope to get an appointment today or tomorrow. Summer coughs and wheezes.  Dr. listened to her cough and said it sounds like an asthmatic cough which opens the airways and clears the mucus (a part of asthma) to breath easier.
Zane: He is being treating for walking pneumonia with antibiotics and breathing treatments.  His spirits have not been effected nor has his eating or sleeping (thank goodness).


Dad said...

Sweet Jana,

Sandie and I are praying for you as the loving and strong Mommy that you are. And we have friends all around praying for you, too. I wish that I could just tell my Regional Director (who is working with me until Thursday) that one day he will understand, but I gotta go take care of my three angels in NC! I will find those Rice Mum Mums for you...don't worry. If they are still made, I will get them, so you will have no worries over little Zaner choking on them.

We love you and will see you later this month!!

Mimi said...

Jana, you are a STORM TROOPER!!! Nothing in this world more important than the job you are doing. I am SO proud of you. Wish I could see Zane do a "flip". Love my Summer for me.