Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st Day of Preschool

Thank God that Summer is on the mend.  In fact, she was doing so well yesterday we took her supplies to school and met her teachers AND today Summer went to her First Day of Preschool!
 I am so proud of her!  She went right in and immediately started playing with the dollhouse.  And before I left she said, "Oh, I show Mommy something"...and it was the Daddy figurine that goes in the dollhouse just like the one we have at home. No tears.  No fears.
Here is the report I got when asked "How was school today?"
  • Ms. Debbie wore a brown shirt and Ms. Melissa wore a red shirt.
  • One boy wore a green shirt.
  • She coughed in her elbow and Ms. Debbie didn't give her a treat (when we met the teacher yesterday she explained that when she sees you coughing in your elbow she gives you a pez candy or skittle so I understand the disappointment).
  • She didn't get to be the line leader.
  • She went to the bathroom with another girl.
  • She doesn't know any other kids names yet.
  • Ms. Melissa opened her pear cup for her and that was nice.
  • She through her napkin away and didn't make a mess.
  • She sat on an orange carpet square for group time where Ms. Debbie talked about "all about me"
  • Guess what? Its a new month!
  • "Listen"
  • She didn't get her treasure stick taken away so she got to pick a treasure from the chest, a purple dinosaur.
  • They played outside but someone told her she couldn't come in the playhouse.
  • They didn't use their scissors, glue sticks, crayons or markers (a big disappointment). 
  • When I asked what they did at table time (I was going through the daily schedule to pull this information out of her) she said "nuffin." I responded, "you didn't do anything at the table." She repeated, "nuffin, maybe we rested."  Who knows, resting could be considered "nuffin!"
Zane and I had a great morning to ourselves.  Time flies when you are separated from a 3 year old.
I went to let Sissy outside and had to step over this big mess in the playroom.  To me this is a big mess but let me tell you what this looks like to Summer...
The alphabet mat is her classroom.  And her invisible babies are stringing beads.  She had to take them all out of the box and give each invisible baby her own pile.  You can't see the separation anymore because every time I walk in there to let the dog in/out I kick a bead or get one stuck in my toes.  The tissues, which we now have a box in every room, have been pulled out to cover her "walking stick" because she doesn't want her invisible babies to see her walking stick!  As you can now imagine, every piece of the mess I see has a reason for being in its place, according to Summer...and so I left it there.  (also because I am too lazy to clean it up)


Grammy said...

Wow, such a busy day. I knew Summer would love school, even if today wasn't a 10 to her. She will love it more every time. So happy you have that break. Remember, it's not a race to see how much you can do during that time. Take some time for you. Love all of you and miss you

Da said...

Upon zooming in, Summer's playroom looks pretty organized to me. But what do I know?

Mimi said...

I admire you, Mom, for letting Summer be so creative in her playroom. That 1st day--WHAT A MILESTONE!! She is SO precious! I bet Zane missed her already.

Rachel said...

Happy first day, Summer! I love that you captured all of her funny quotes. Gosh, that girl makes me smile. Glad she is feeling better Jana. I hope Zane is getting well too and you are getting back to "normal" life. Thinking of you. XO