Saturday, November 15, 2008

10 Weeks

So far being pregnant I haven't suffered from morning sickness, thank goodness! However I have found that I am dreaming about food. This week alone I have dreamt about a biscuits with jelly, a baked potato and chocolate cake. I can tell you that these dreams are becoming reality. I am actually eating my dreams!
Grocery shopping can be scatterbrained as some things are a big turn off and others are a MUST. This week I was obsessed with chocolate cake. I bought it early in the week but decided not to bake it until Saturday when I knew I would have the entire day to enjoy it and eat at my leisure. Ahhh...moist and fluffy cake!
And I figured we would celebrate the Baby with this cake...Happy 10 Weeks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jana Marie,
I think it is the grandest thing to have a blog! Can you imagine reading your mom's blog when she was pregnant with YOU? Wouldn't that be awesome! I hope BABY MARTIN will one day be able to see how excited his/her parents were to be expecting him/her.
The cake is beautiful and delicious looking. Enjoy!
Love you ALL,