Thursday, March 29, 2012


1 Week Update
We had 3 days at home prior to big sister coming back home from her special stay at Nana and Grandads (We are so thankful to have a loving Nana and Grandad here in town).  Summer is VERY into Zane but as you can see her cartoon (what she is looking at) still takes priority.  She will be a great paci holder, making sure that paci doesn't come out!
Our little guy getting a little sunshine to make sure he doesn't get jaundice (still ok levels but doctor is watching it). 

 Our friends came by to see him, Tiffany and Addisyn.
 Summer's friends, Levi, Addie and their mom Abigail came over too
 Summer loves to hold Zane
 And I thought that little girls could be the only angels...I was wrong!
 Zane's first doctor appointment at 1 week.  He gained 4 ounces from what he left the hospital at.  Birth weight, 7lb5oz, left the hospital at 6lb14 oz and at 1 week he came in at 7lb2oz.  Little boy has been eating well at home-what an answered prayer.
Ok, confession time...Summer had a meltdown last night as it was past her bedtime and her routine has been off track for the past week, in many ways.  It was a side of her that I haven't seen and it made me think that she was acting out for my attention.  I felt guilty that I haven't been able to give her any of me since Zane has been born and it made me sad.  I can see all the reasons why I haven't been available (breastfeeding, recovering from c-section, sleep off track, etc) but the last thing I want is for her to feel like Mommy doesn't have time for her.  Today is a new day.  We have been playing with things that don't require me to be very physical.  We have had quality time with puzzles, reading books and painting with watercolors.  To my relief, Summer woke up and first thing told Mimi, "I happy Mimi."  What a sweet angel.
Mimi has been invaluable to us this week!  I am so blessed to have a loving mother available to help us out!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jana - it looks like you are adjusting to life with two kids very well! I'm so glad Zane is "eating" well and on the grow. He is such a beautiful baby. I'm also glad to hear you have so much help and love around you right now. I so wish I could just pop on over for a visit. We're thinking of you and your entire family!