Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday Notes

 Too Blessed Not To Share!
 I feel too blessed by the message I get from our church each Sunday not to pass it on.  We go to Biltmore Baptist Church and you can actually watch the services online each Sunday (live) on the website, .  I'll give you the quick version and hopefully won't lose anybody before the end.
 LOVE YOUR ENEMIES (Matthew 5:43-48)
Who are your enemies?  You may think, I don't have any...and I am not an enemy to anyone.  Think of enemies as anyone who seeks your failure, whether it be at work or in your social circles.  If you dig deep you might even find that you might be holding some ill feelings toward others..seeking their failure.
How do they get us?  By causing our hearts to be filled with anger and revenge.  By making us bitter.  God warns us not to get bitter in Hebrews 12:14-15.  He also tells us not to take revenge in Romans 12:19, "leave room for God's wrath."  So next time you feel like getting someone back...back off and know that God will take care of it. 
Our pastor mentioned that bitterness was like a jail cell.  No one would walk in and say this is a great place to live, shut the door and call me happy.  However, we sometimes back ourselves into that cell of bitterness and although the door is still open we stomp our foot and say we're not coming out!  Personally, I did it this week, I backed right into that cell over an issue and I knew it wasn't where I wanted to be and I could see the exit...yet I just said I am going to stay in this miserable place for a day.  Seriously Jana, seriously, poor decision.
Love your enemies (biblically).  Doesn't mean you have to be BFF with them.  Matthew 5:38-42 spells it out.  Verse 39 says if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also...think of "strike" as "insults," it goes back to the whole don't take revenge passage in Romans 12. Verse 40 doesn't mean lay down and let someone take all you have...rather pay those who you owe money.  Verse 41 relates to do more than the bare minimum.
NO: Insults or Put Downs
GO: the second mile, do something to bless others
(why? because you're a Christian! And it glorifies God.)
LOW: Pray for your enemies for God to do something great in their life


Larry said...

Powerful and perfect words to effect my imperfect walk...

MIMI said...

Thanks for "releasing me". God has spoken to me through YOU and I am listening. I love you for making a difference.

Dad said...

I enjoy seeing you grow in His grace, Jana. Doesn't God's Word provide amazing insight for us...when we have our eyes/hearts open to see/hear it? And how about new truths that have been on the page each time before, but now we see them for the first time!! Keep reading/looking/hearing/growing--"for faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."