Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Whisper in the Darkness

I am involved in a women's Bible study on Wednesday evenings at my church and we are studying 1 Kings.  Last week it was on 1 Kings 19 and how that relates to discouragement and depression.  I feel so strongly about this that I wanted to share it with you. 

Key Point: No believer is immune to discouragement.  We must listen to the voice of God to know the truth and feel His love in our darkest hours.  We must look to the people of God to surround us with purpose, hope and joy.
  1. We can't walk in faith when we are running in fear (of loss, pain). vs 2
  2. When we are discouraged we tend to isolate ourselves from our support (run from the reality that we don't like). vs 3
  3. Our focus can be on ourselves and not on our mission when we feel down (must shift our focus from looking at pain to looking at God's grace). vs 4
  4. Exhaustion and poor self-care can magnify the crisis (skipping meals, not enough sleep). vs 6
  5. Our bodies and minds can affect our spiritual health (making that little thing the straw that broke the camel's back). vs 7
  6. We must be certain we are putting our energies into the right tasks. vs 8
  7. We must evaluate what choices led to our low point (don't try to run someone else's race). vs 9
  8. When we are empty, our view of reality is skewed (pain is like blinders). vs 10
  9. We must filter out the chaos to hear the voice of God (God will get our attention with a BIG thing then gently tell us). vs 12
  10. God will tend your soul through relationships centered on truth (God has people in place to support you and me). vs 18
When dealing with discouragement/depression:
  • Don't isolate yourself.
  • Be open about your feelings.
  • Don't try to fake it.
  • Don't neglect washing your mind with the truth and aligning your feelings with worship.
  • Ask for help.

Check out these encouraging Bible verses: 1 Peter 5:7, Zeph 3:17, Isaiah 30:18
Ecclesiastes 4:10 - If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
I am often over-scheduled and too exhausted to be the Godly friend that I should be BUT I am here for you if you need me.


grammy said...

what wisdom! Thank you Jana for sharing this with us. Spoke to me in sooo many different ways. Ive been in that dark place and I know others who are there right now. God is our one true light out of the darkness

Mimi said...

Thanks, SIS, you know how much your words (God's Words)mean to me. I love you for who you are and the encouragement you give to me. We all need to be a light to each other.

Dad said...

I am so pleased to see you "modeling the message" of Jesus. Borrowing from Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, I give thanks to God for your "work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus Christ." It is such an inspiration and reward to see you growing in faith and maturity in Christ!

Larry said...

Wisdom of the scriptures properly imparted. May they take root in my life. Thanks Jana, Larry