Wednesday, March 7, 2012

36 Weeks and Ready

Yay, I am 36 weeks!  I am currently 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  It is exciting that we are even talking that verbiage.  Zane is holding tight to his breech position and I have had a change of heart on the turning possibility.  My doctor showed me how the proceedure was done, by pressing down on me somewhat, and that small amount of pressure was all I needed to decide we would go the c-section route.  I mean, it was painful and she said that what she was doing wasn't even close to the pressure she would be using in an actual turning proceedure.  Worst case, Zane will be born in 3 weeks!
I am so relieved to have gotten some major responsibilities off my shoulders, taxes and the spring JLA magazine, so that I can get do the little things to be prepared for the big day.  Car vacuumed (seemed like I sucked up a whole box of cereal from between the seats) and car seat installed! 
Summer brought her baby and carrier out for the installation too (clinging them together, saying "cheers").
Big sister will be keeping a watchful eye on baby's every move! 
Baby lodge is done. 
Mom made Zane this awesome elephant shelf (exact replica from Pottery Barn Kids) which fits in nicely. 
Thanks to my baby shower and diaper shower (thrown by my church friends last weekend) our closet is packed full with boxes of diapers and wipes-so grateful! 
And now we WAIT!
Summer is so excited about "Z-A" (pronounced ZZZZ-A) coming and holding him.  She will be such a helper if not too much of a helper. 
As I type this I can hear lots of toys falling on the ground and she is saying, "BIG MESS."  The other day I looked around the living room and told her that it was a big mess...and I guess that has stuck. 
She has really become a daddy's girl recently, loving for daddy to hold her, hug her, find her under the covers etc.  Perfect timing!


Mimi said...

Everything and Everybody is READY!! OK, Zane, do you want to see your sweet family?

the crazy armstrongs said...

My sister n law have the breech produce done her last baby and it worked! I know she could talk to you if you wanted to hear from someone that went through it... just a thought... feel bad if you have too many diapers now? I had enough from my diaper shower that I had to buy my first box a couple of weeks ago ..lasted me almost 7 months crazy! praying for his arrival soon!:) love ya

grammy said...

the Nursery looks Great! can't wait to meet Zane. Glad your healthy and doing well. Summer will be a BIG help