Thursday, October 27, 2011

Its a BOY

This week, on the day of our 8 year wedding anniversary, we went to the doctor to find out the sex of Baby Martin.  Of course, the legs were at my belly button making it hard to see...but with a little maneuvering the doctor was able to determine that we are expecting a BOY!  I am excited but Chad is over the moon!  He is already envisioning all the boy things they are going to do together.  Summer is in denial and still keeps thinking she is having a girl...I think asking her if she wanted a "Emma" or a "Reece" (cousins we just visited) made her think she actually determines the outcome...she keeps saying "no Em" everytime I say we are having a boy. She'll come around.

I am going to blame it on pregnancy brain for not remembering my camera charger on our recent Florida trip but I hope to get some pics from family soon so I can post.

Next challenge - agreeing with Chad on a name.  I had my heart set on 1 or 2 and of course he doesn't like them. 

Summer update
Currently she is being treated for yet another double ear infection (9th I believe).  She has also been diagnosed with asthma and we are doing daily breathing treatments throughout the winter season to prevent a major breathing issue.  She has adjusted well to wearing the mask and watching cartoons before bedtime.
She has learned how to climb out of her crib and I have setup a big girl twin mattress on the floor in her room.  I was all prepared to go Super Nanny on her and make sure she stayed in her room however when it was time to sleep she said she wanted to be in her crib.  Oh well, whatever works is fine for me.  I then found out, at a later nap, that she is climbing out of her crib and sleeping in her big girl bed...once again, I don't care as long as she stays in her room.


Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

So fun to be having a boy! Congrats!

Leslie C said...

Poor Summer! Have they ever recommended tubes since she has had so many ear infections? Parker had them and it made such a difference. So excited about a BOY!! YAY! :)