Thursday, October 9, 2008

Deep Thoughts by Jana

Do any of you mentally talk to yourself but then realize you are actually whispering rather than just thinking?

Lately Chad has been busting me for doing this. He will ask me "What did you say?" and I have to confess that I was talking out loud to myself. Mostly when I am getting dressed I think/whisper things like "not that necklace, this one" or "flats or boots?" I have to admit that this is really funny and the more I catch myself the more it amuses me.
Recently, I have found myself doing this in public as well. At the grocery store (for sure), shopping for clothes, etc.
Just think about it this week and see if you do it yourself. Oh, and laugh if you is funny!

On another funny note...
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey (thought of the day)
Consider the Daffodil.
And while your doing that,
I'll be over here
looking through your stuff

Picture of the Day
The Nelson Crew with Gene Stallings


The Powells said...

Jana - I love your deep thoughts; you really crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Always good to see the Nelsons. Wish I had a picture with Coach Stallings. Love ya Sis.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that you got that from me. YES, I'm guilty-especially, in my classroom when the children are not in the room and I'm busy getting things done. The custodian will come in and I'll just be "telling myself what to do next". I think it's NORMAL, of course, since we both do it. You have such a great sense of humor and I LOVE IT and YOU!!!