Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No catchy title

Look at those pretty blue eyes! Adorable...oh and as you can tell big sister has Zane snuggled up with her best friends, Miss Piggy (left) and Mama's Piggy (right).  They never get confused as Miss Piggy is more worn or "real."
I am SOOO happy that Zane is smiling now!  The light just switched on and I can get him to smile at me just about any time.  It makes my every sacrifical second (which is every second of the day) worth it.
Happy Memorial Day!  These 2 wore their first coordinating outfits and don't they look cute!  Big Sis sure knows how to put on a smile when she wants to.  She loves being a helper and I even found her helping pcik Zane up out of his bounce seat recently...what a BIG help that was (not).  Luckily with every day he is growing and learning how to fend for himself, aka holding his own neck up.
Today Summer went to the dentist for a cleaning.  We prepared by watching videos on the computer the night before about what to expect at the dentist and we were so happy to be greeted by name and see fish in the waiting area...everything was honky dory until the dentist came in and then her body tightened up.  She cried the whole 2 minute appointment when he brushed her teeth then counted them.  By the time he was done the side of her hair was wet from tears.  Here is her post cleaning photo...slightly traumatized and she said her lips hurt so I put some magic lip gloss on to heal them.
Then we stopped at Panera and she got to pick out a treat for being so good.  Ironically the yellow flower sugar cookie didn't taste "yummy" and we threw it away.  She wasn't a fan of the lemon icing.
And that's all the time I have for now...should have been in bed already but felt guilty for not posting these pictures. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Who does he look like?

Above: Both Zane and Summer at age, 2 months.  Zane weighs 12.10 and Summer weighed 10.2

Below: Both Summer and Zane sitting in the bumbo seat at 2 months.  Notice that height difference, Summer's neck was supported by the back of the seat were Zane is much taller.

I was beginning to think that Zane was drifting from Summer's baby looks until I pulled up her pictures this morning.  They are so similar!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Zane at 2 months

My name is Zane and I am a big 2 month old!
We have come SO FAR in 2 months! I feel like I have entered back into society.  I have started running, making meals for our family and can run errands without having a meltdown, hurray.

Today my friend asked if I was supplementing Zane's diet with protein powder!  Funny, Summer had the same breastmilk and she did NOT grow like this...each their own.
Zane has really started to coo and will respond when you talk to him.  He enjoys the playmat even though it is pink...something he will just have to get over.  Tomorrow is his 2 month doctor appointment and I can't wait to find out how much he has grown.    
Can you guess what is wrong with this picture of Summer? 
She is wearing Zane's size 3-6 month jeans! And to think I packed all those small clothes away.

On a recent trip to Walmart, as I was unloading the groceries into the car, putting Zane inside and repeatedly telling Summer NOT to try to get out of the shopping cart by herself, I asked her if she knew that being a parent is stressful.  She said no, and I responded telling her that in fact, it is.  Once we started driving Zane started crying (he does that when there is alot of stop and go) and that is when she first told him, "Mama's busy ZA, be patient!" Thank you Llama Llama Red Pajama.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer's 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday to the Queen of the Castle!
Three years ago we had no idea how Summer's personality would unfold...that she would be so expressive (dramatic), helpful and loving.  What a spunky girl she has become! 
We celebrated with our good friends, Addie and Levi at the Mountain Playlodge.
 Then follwed up with lunch and cake at Chick fil a.
 Summer and Addie holding hands.
Little brother is more alert these days.  Cute cute Zane! I say to Zane "I'm going to eat you up" and Summer quickly tells me "no Mommy eat ZA, eat toast!"  So literal that girl.  We were playing dominos this afternoon with her new princess domino set and I told her to "draw a girl with a blue dress" (we don't know all of the princess names yet) but then she left the table and went into the playroom.  I figured her attention span was over and went back to making dinner...minutes later she came back with a paper she had "drawn a blue dress" on.  From then on I said "pick up a domino...rather than draw." Funny girl.
I put Zane in the bumbo today for the first time and he did good holding his head up.  By the way, I asked Summer to look at the camera and she said "I am!" Ohhh big girl! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Miss Independent

Last week we went to the NC Arboretum for National Gardens Day (or something like that).  We were supposed to meet friends but "life" happened and we ended up going by ourselves.  Summer wasn't feeling very photogenic so we decided to make funny faces instead.
This was a beautiful long range view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. 
When you have a 3 year old (I am rounding up) who likes to touch your camera you end up with finger prints and gunk on the lens ruining what would have been a cute Mama and kids picture. 
Forget the gardens, the highlight was the field trip of first graders!  This Mama scored major points by asking the bus driver if we could sit on the steps and take a picture. 
Mother's Day was rainy so we couldn't go far outside...and as I squatted down to get close to Summer she did the same.  I am so blessed to have two healthy sweet angel babies.  Chad, Summer and Zane got me some plants to plant in my front pots...as you can tell they are needing some TLC.  Zane's birth has practically killed one of my rose trees but I trimmed it to the nub tonight and hope that it will come back...fingers crossed. 
Summer is Miss Independent these days.  She is pretty confident that she can do anything (don't know where she gets that from) and she tries daily.  For example: while I was blow drying my hair the other day and she normally watches cartoons in my bedroom...she decided to make some toast...putting bread in the toaster oven!  She dresses herself and we have gone to the grocery store with shoes on the wrong feet and her shirt on backwords against my advise.  And finally, she is sneaky.  She was supposed to be in her room picking up hundreds of tiny rubber bands she sprinkled everywhere but where do I find her instead...look closely in Zane's crib...there she is! And no she is not sleeping...just pretending as I opened the door.  Three years old is going to be fun!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Alabama Trip

As crazy as it may sound Summer, Zane (6 weeks old) and I traveled to Alabama this past week.  However we couldn't have done it with out the help of Nana, Daddy and Grammy who each chauffeured us half way.  This was all so that I could go on our first ever "6 pack" girls weekend at the lake.  The "6 pack" is my group of friends from middle/high school and it was so great to spend time with them again.  I only spent 1 night at the lake as I had Zane with me but it was fun and he got lots of love from the ladies.  Picture to come later.
We celebrated Summer's 3rd birthday with our Alabama family at Ijump.  Parents are allowed to get in and play too which I thought was going to be fun but turned out to be a little scary and tiresome.
That slide is HIGH and FAST and gave me rug burns on both elbows.  Luckily Summer loved it. 
Fun obstacle course!
Zane slept through the whole party allowing Summer to maintain 100% of the attention. 
More climbing! Summer surprised me with her courage and climbing skills. This incline was straight up with no angle but she didn't think twice about going on it.
After Ijump we went to Chick Fil A for lunch and Dora cupcakes! 
Me and Bud with our boys! Brody is 10 months and Zane is 7 weeks. 
Brody is such a sweet and happy boy.  He is ready to move and will be walking in the very near future. 
Papa and Zane 
Brody and Summer playing together. 
 Uncle Bud holding Zane for the first time.  He said Zane looked just like Chad!
The big boy strutting his stuff in a button down shirt. 
Zane is now 7 weeks and I feel like we have turned a corner.  He is sleeping better and has only gotten up once/night the past 3 nights.  That makes for a happier mommy (who can blog instead of nap).